Premium Magnolia Leaves
Magnolia leaves are a great source of nutrition and decoration. These durable leaves are not only attractive, they provide food for plants and animals alike, while also providing hiding places for small creatures such as springtails, isopods, and juvenile spiders in terrariums as well as microorganisms in aquariums. Magnolia leaves are readily consumed by isopods and can be used not only for supplemental nutrition, but also for enrichment and hiding locations. In aquariums, Magnolia leaves provide hiding space for fry and attachment surface for beneficial microbes. They can also be used to add tannins (which give the water a slight tea color), and condition the water for tropical species such as bettas, angelfish, rasboras, platies, discus, corys and more. Magnolia leaves biodegrade slowly and can last for months or longer depending on use/ conditions
For use in vivariums:
As décor: place leaves in enclosure to create desired look. Great for enclosure floor, or along back wall as part of background décor. Use 2-3 leaves in micro-enclosures to create a backdrop.
As leaf litter: for plants, invertebrates, amphibians and reptiles, place whole leaves or break into pieces and scatter throughout enclosure.
For use in aquariums: to condition water add whole leaves to aquarium to slowly lower the Ph and soften the water. Magnolia leaves provide tannins and flavonoids that help fight fish disease and create ideal conditions for species such as bettas, angelfish, rasboras, platies, discus, corys and more.