Customer Reviews
Here are just a few of the things customers have to say about Reptanicals...
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The isopods love it! I have clowns, peaches, and dwarf whites in a planted terrarium. I put a couple pinches of this down with a little of the spring tail powder sprinkled on top and they all came running out to chow down! Makes feeding my bugs way easier and super convenient.
- Lizbeth Bakersfield, CA
8oz Tropical White Springtails in Peat
Arrived in good condition. I was able to split the culture into 3 habitats and their flourishing! Definitely recommend for anyone wanting to start a bioactive enclosure or anyone wanting to keep isopods!
- Newman Portland, OR
1.8oz Wound Care
I just tried the product an my crested gecko loved it. It already started to help the shedding problem. Will definitely buy again and I highly recommend this seller!! Thank you
- Hanna Vallejo, CA
8oz Tropical White Springtails in Charcoal
Very pleased. Received lots of springtails that were “alive”. They little buggers were sent with a cold pack to keep them fresh. I’ve ordered from a reputable company recently and just got dead springtails. I am a satisfied customer. They added a coupon for next purchase. Can’t wait to add these into me terrarium. I recommend this shop. Thank you
- Angelique Corona, CA
25ct Powder Orange Isopods (Porcellio pruinosus)
Isopods? Springtails? Supplies for both? Reptanicals is the ONLY place to go!
- Sara Hixson, TX
20ct Dairy Cow Isopods (Porcellio laevis) U- Pick Bundle
1.8oz Prolapse Care
Bruce says thank you for the salve, he's doing a lot better now.
- Robert San Diego, CA
Bioactive Intro Pack: 15+ Powder Orange isopods, 400+ Springtails
- Ryan Gulf Shores, AL
- Chris Longmont, CO
8oz Tropical White Springtails in Charcoal
1.8oz Wound Care
I can't thank you enough! The scales are finally growing back on our basilisk's nose!
- Jeannine Mendocino, CA
8oz Tropical White Springtails in Peat

1.8oz Prolapse Care
Prolapse salve worked in 1 treatment! This stuff is great. Goodbye hours/days of sugar soaking!
- Liz Miami, FL
1.8oz Mite & Fungal Care
Mite Care worked on my Retic that had a troublesome mite problem for weeks.
- Isaiah Menifee, CA
Bioactive Bundle: 20+ Powder Orange isopod, 20+ Dairy Cow, 300+ Springtails

2ml Wound Care
I got my gecko from a rescue and his toes were all mangled. Wound Care is EXACTLY what I was looking for, how perfect :p Excited to see how it works.
- Stephanie Danville, IL
8oz Tropical White Springtails in Charcoal

8oz Tropical White Springtails in Peat
Springtail cultures were absolutely hopping. Thank you.
- Jarret Highland, IN
4oz Supple Shell
Supple shell made tortoise look very shiny and pretty.
- Aayush Los Angeles, CA
1.8oz Wound Care
The people from Reptanicals were so nice to us at Repticon. We asked a lot of questions and they answered all of them including the stupid ones. Good info, good deals. Thanks.
- Dean San Bernadino, CA
1.8oz Wound Care
My sister sent me a jar of your Wound Care by Reptanicals for my ball python who rubs her head against the screen. Not sure if it's working yet but it covers the wound well and keeps the bedding from getting in there. She didn't mind me putting it on one bit!
- Linda Saratoga Springs, NY
2ml Wound Care
Used it on my water dragon that is always left with 'shed gloves' that stick around and usually need to be soaked off. Worked great.
- Kelley Phoenix, AZ
8oz Tropical White Springtails in Peat
I just want to let you know I received the springtails and they seem ok…got held at post office for 2 days. I love everything about this transaction…the packaging, the information and instructions included, the invoice, the instagram to follow…it’s all so nice!!! THANK YOU
- Kelsi Salt Lake City, UT
8oz Tropical White Springtails in Peat
Thank you so much they arrived alive and plentiful. Thank you for the amazing packing as well
- Raf Twin Falls, ID
Bioactive Intro Pack: 15+ Powder Orange isopods, 400+ Springtails
Great for the price! Shipping was prompt and everything came alive and healthy (i am also in cold weather!)
- Eldon Niagra, NY
25ct Powder Orange Isopods (Porcellio pruinosus)
Isopods are doing great and the geckos really seem to like them!
- Christie Las Vegas, NV
1.8oz Wound Care
I bought a jar of Wound Care at a reptile expo for my bearded dragon with a burn. I really think it helped with the pain and it kept his crickets from messing with the wound. TY
- John Santa Rosa, CA
Bioactive Intro Pack: 15+ Powder Orange isopods, 400+ Springtails
Amazing packaging even though ups delayed my delivery by one day they were packaged so well isopods and springtails survived plus came with food will be purchasing again
- Ebony St. Paul, MN
25ct Powder Orange Isopods (Porcellio pruinosus)
Shipped fast, all isopods/springtails arrived alive, and they were brilliantly packed. Thank you so much!
- Adam Sioux Falls, SD
2ml Wound Care
Healing salve worked well. I liked that it didn't smell.
- Jarome Aurora, CO
8oz Tropical White Springtails in Peat
great seller! springtails were packaged well and I appreciate the springtail food sample!
- Ross Seattle, WA
15ct Giant Canyon Isopods (Porcellio dilatatus)
1.8oz Wound Care
OMG thank you so much! Rizzo is doing so much better now that she is being treated with Wound Care
- Sierra Redmond, WA
50+ Dairy Cow Isopods (Porcellio laevis)
Bioactive Intro Pack: 15+ Powder Orange isopods, 400+ Springtails
arrived early, everyone was alive and well, even came with a free food kit, sticker, and a wound care packet
- Mickie Danville, IL
8oz Tropical White Springtails in Charcoal
Excellent service and springtails! I was worried about our weather -- it's been abnormally warm where I live for fall/winter, but a cold front came through after the order was shipped and I was concerned about the springtails not making it. The seller did a FANTASTIC job with labeling and packaging (along with a heat pack). The springtails arrived alive and super active!! I will definitely be ordering again! Thank you!
- Deana Bowling Green, KY
1.8oz Prolapse Care
Good Stuff. Hemipene went back in
- Daniel Fort Bragg, CA
25+ Dairy Cow Isopods (Porcellio laevis)
1.8oz Wound Care
Finally medicine for my reptiles that's not full of chemicals! Our holistic household salutes you Reptanicals! Thanks for keeping it organic!
- Jenna Grants Pass, OR
Bioactive Intro Pack: 15+ Powder Orange isopods, 400+ Springtails
Awesome they arrived live and healthy and awesome shipping practices if needed will order again thanks
- Rod Tulsa, OK
8oz Tropical White Springtails in Charcoal
Thank you so much! Arrived after a huge shipping delay, very alive due to careful packaging
- Amy Providence, RI
8oz Tropical White Springtails in Peat
Very fast shipping, packed great, a lot more than 400 springtails!!
- Winnie Phoenix, AZ
1.8oz Wound Care
I put Wound Care on my cresty when hers wouldn't come off. The creamy consistency was so nice I put some on myself to. Now it's my new go-to moisturizer.
- Asa Long Beach, CA
4oz Supple Shell Care
Started using this on my rescue Sulcata about two months ago and it seems to be working so far. Shell definitely looks and feels more hydrated. I warm it up before applying because the grooves between scutes are so deep, and she seems to like it applied warm.
- Pete San Diego, CA